Difference between revisions of "Legitimizing Differences"

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Line 11: Line 11:
- Covering the material.
- Covering the material.
|| Feedback for correct answer.
|| She does have a worry about time but that is not the biggest obstacle.
+ X-rays.
+ Not embarassing students by singling them out.
|| Feedback for distractor.
|| Yes, she sees attention focused on a student as negative.
- Infrared.
- Apathy about students.
|| Feedback for distractor.
|| No, she seems to care about the students.
- Radiowaves.
+ Fairness.
|| Radiowaves have very long  wavelengths .
|| Yes, she thinks all students should have identical treatment.


Revision as of 10:49, 8 March 2012

This vignette features a first year teacher Liz who is having trouble engaging her students.

In the first video Liz talks to her menu about her feelings about reaching students who do not participate.

<quiz display=simple> {Based on this above video what do you think are Liz's main concerns? |type="()"} - Covering the material. || She does have a worry about time but that is not the biggest obstacle. + Not embarassing students by singling them out. || Yes, she sees attention focused on a student as negative. - Apathy about students. || No, she seems to care about the students. + Fairness. || Yes, she thinks all students should have identical treatment.


Now watch the following video to see how Liz applies the technique of legitimizing differences in her classroom.

Main Points