Interdisciplinary Literacy Assessment

From CleanEnergyWIKI
Revision as of 14:25, 16 November 2009 by Cmditradmin (talk | contribs)
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In 2009 CMDITR began a process of defining what is critical in interdisciplinary education for its particular domain. A series of interviews and surveys was used to generate a comprehensive outline of the interdisciplinary core content. This serves as the specification for a series diagnostic quizzes that server as portals to the wiki. The idea is that students would take a quiz and then link to the appropriate material that will teach or reteach the identified concept.

Example <quiz display=simple> {How does a graded index optical fiber reduce losses? |type="()"} - It makes it more transparent. || No. Better see Dispersion and Attenuation Phenomena. + It decreases modal dispersion. || Yes. - Infrared. || Feedback for distractor. - Radiowaves. || Radiowaves have very long wavelengths.
